As members may be aware, we are currently low on numbers serving on the Main CFU Board.
Jeff Banks has now stood down effective from the end of the season, in order that he can devote more of his time to his family following the recent birth of their baby boy. Jeff has given sterling service over the years and we are forever grateful to him for this and the fact that he will continue with his media work for the Club.
Similarly, Steve Ashton has advised that he too will need to stand down from the Board as from the end of May. Steve is to take up a new role, based in the West Midlands, as Director in a major national company, which unfortunately precludes him from holding other directorships. Again, Steve has given invaluable service to the Club right from our founding days and he will be greatly missed. He has though kindly agreed to act in a special advisory role for us when needed to enable us to draw on his knowledge and experience of the Club.
Consequently, this leaves us with just four elected and two co-opted Directors to staff the Board, working alongside Marion Needham in the role of Board Secretary. We can have between 6 and 14 Directors under our rules and the current low numbers is limiting our capacity to take forward the Club’s strategic objectives in the manner and at the pace we would wish.
The Board has considered the possibility of holding mid-term elections to fill the current vacancies but this is a major and costly administrative task in itself. Therefore, given the imminent setting-up of the Operational Board, we are proposing to bring forward the AGM to early September (provisionally Thursday the 11th) and we will begin the AGM process, including seeking candidates for election, in the week commencing 14th July 2014.
So, we are urging all CFU members to give serious consideration in standing for election to the Board to help take this great Club of ours forward. Do not hide your light under a bushel !
If you would like further information about what Board membership involves, or would like an informal chat, then we are holding an Open Event at the Club on Thursday 12th June 2014 between 6 – 7 pm, immediately prior to the CFU Members’ meeting that night.
Alternatively, you can e-mail Marion Needham at: and leave your name and phone number and Marion will arrange for one of the Directors to call you back at a time convenient for you.