CFU Board Summary – February 2021

Summary of CFU Board Meeting held on 8th February 2021 by virtual conference at 7.30pm.


Present:  Andy Morris (Chair), Jeff Banks, Paul Bodman, Adam Langan, Mike Vickers, Jim Green, Nick Phillipson, Chris Robertson and Kieron Shiel.

In Attendance:- Christine Robson#

Apologies:- Alex Owen


Due to the Coronavirus lockdown, the football club is still closed.  All official meetings are still being held by virtual conference once a month and the Board are meeting every other week informally to keep abreast of what is happening.  The Minutes of the official Board Meeting held on 11th January 2021 had been read and approved as being a correct record.


Review of Actions:  Andy Morris went through actions which Board members had been asked to complete and several were now closed.  Nick Phillipson was sorting out the cleaning contract and awaiting to see the outcome of the National League vote and whether club would stay closed.  Adam Langan was involved in the Seals Lottery and this is ongoing.

Finance – Chris Robertson stated that he did not have much to report as he was still waiting for the decision from the NL regarding the vote as to whether to null and void the season.  The Club had received payment from the streaming.

Update on Operational Issues – Jim Green stated that it was all quiet.  Had been picking up some of the work that George had done.

Portfolios – Mike Vickers stated that the Youth Academy were trying to get new players for next season.  Timetable has been set at the college for scholars.

Jeff Banks said that not much was going on with Fan Engagement.  If the Club stops playing, will use the time to do some fundraising online and also concentrate on the Season Ticket rebates as well as planning for Season Tickets for the 2021-22 campaign.

Adam Langan was going to decide about doing a virtual lottery once he knew where the Club stood regarding the season.  The new logo will be going out through the main Chester F C Club.  Draw needs to be seen by everyone.

Jim Green said that Will Goodwin had gone to Stoke.  Managers, though disappointed, agreed with the Board to null and void the season. Continue to be fully transparent with fans on the funds that the club currently has.  Boost the Budget needs maintaining and explain why to members.  JG would have a meeting with managers and players once the decision was known about the season.  Had been successful in the grant for the King George V scheme from the Westminster Foundation.  Hopefully building will start in March with a possible finish in September.

Paul Bodman stated that everything was so different now with matches being played behind closed doors and not knowing whether the season would continue.  Need to try and sell the club’s facilities on non-matchdays.