CFU members are reminded that the next CFU meeting is next Thursday, February 16th.
The agenda for the evening, which starts at 7.30pm in the Blues Bar, is as follows;
Welcome and apologies (Alan Povey)
Acceptance of the notes of the last formal meeting held on 17th November 2016 and any matters arising (Marion Needham)
Chair’s update Strategic plan update (Alan Povey)
Youth development (Brian Burns/Mike Day)
Finance (Laurence Kirby)
Communications (Neil Bellis/Jonny Hughes)
Date of next meeting – informal 16th March 2017. Speaker TBC.
Don’t forget if you can’t make the meeting there is a streaming service available. If you have already signed up then there is no need to do anything, an email will be sent out on the day. You can still sign up by emailing