CFU Board Appointments

Following the 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM) held at the Leap76 Stadium on Thursday, November 23rd, City Fans United is pleased to announce our newly elected and re-elected board members.

We extend our congratulations to newly elected members, Steve Jones and William Lamb. We’re also delighted to announce the re-election of continuing board members, Mike Vickers and Jim Green.

City Fans United would also like to place on record our thanks to Adam Langan, who leaves the board following the end of his three-year term. Adam has served admirably on the board, contributing his time, expertise, and passion over the past three years. His work on the Fundraising and People portfolios has been outstanding, with the Boost the Budget campaigns being a key element of our success on the field in recent seasons.

In addition to the news of our newly elected and re-elected board members, we are pleased to confirm the re-election of key officer roles within City Fans United.

Kieron Shiel continues in his role as Chair, alongside Jim Green who continues as Vice Chair, Matt Dickenson as club Treasurer, and Christine Robson who will continue as Secretary.

The first formal meeting of the newly formed City Fans United board will be held on Saturday, December 16th.