CFU board summary – June 2017

This is a summary of the board meeting held on 6th June 2017

The board met on 6th June, 2017 and welcomed three new co-opted directors – David Harrington-Wright, Andrew Morris and Sam Swash, the following issues were discussed:

  • The budget for 2017/2018 was agreed and will be submitted to the National League
  • Work continues on the new website and is planned to be in place to replace the current FLi arra Apply ngement at the end of June
  • Following a meeting with the Building Inspector from Flintshire County Council it is the intention to put a fabricated steel platform in the west stand and a platform lift facility to provide viewing facilities for disabled supporters to ensure that they do not have to sit out in the bad weather. It will also be necessary to improve car parking facilities and pathway access in the west stand area.
  • 3G pitch – still under investigation.
  • Health and safety – progress continues on action lists from audits and the production of risk assessments.
  • CRM database – it was agreed to upgrade the current system and this will allow for membership payments to be made by direct debit and will also integrate with Mail Chimp arrangements and help to improve communications.
  • With the board now having the full complement of directors in place the current portfolios or areas on which directors take a lead will be reviewed, this is one of a number of issues that will be discussed at the board away day which is planned for later in the month.
  • A reminder will be sent to members about the significance of the 26th June, this is the date that people have to be a fully paid up member to ensure that they are eligible to stand for the board for election at the AGM. There had been some comments about the recent emphasis on being a CFU owner, but this was not a constitutional change as there had been no change in the legal status and to promote the term owner was consistent with the objects set out in the constitution.
  • The date of the next CFU meeting was agreed and it will take place on Thursday 27th July at 7.30pm when Jon McCarthy will be the guest speaker, there will also be a discussion with members in respect of the format and frequency of future meetings.
  • The operations board had been discussing a number of issues including season ticket sales, sponsorship, budget for 2017/2018 and potential player signings.
  • Youth section – arrangements are progressing with the scholarship scheme and will be in place for the start of the academic year. The youth team have been successful in the Moneygram cup of nations and will be playing the final in Poland on 5th August, this is being fully funded by Moneygram.