CFU Board Summary – June 2023

Present: Kieron Shiel, Jim Green (by video link), Mike Vickers (by video link), Nick Phillipson, Matt Dickenson, Adam Langan, Mike Day, Charlotte Walker (by video link) Ian Swettenham and Oliver Hill.  In attendance: Christine Robson and Georgina Slawinski.

Apologies: Jeff Banks and Kate Mylchreest

Minutes of the meeting held on 11th May 2023 were accepted as a true record.

Conflicts of Interest – AL mentioned that he had joined a committee for CWAC named Sport and Recreation.  AL thought that there would be a conflict of interest if he were to attend a meeting with reference to the football club.  If this were the case, he would leave the meeting.  The CWAC committee did not see this as being a problem.

Action Log Review –. This item was moved to the end of the meeting.  It was subsequently decided that CRR would chase individuals on their outstanding actions.

Bars Contract – NP informed the board that the incumbent for the Blues Bar had left suddenly and we would now have to look for a new partner.  Two quotations had been received; one from Nick Stark and the other from GWG (who look after the kiosks).  NP stated that if GWG were awarded the contract they would have to have two different contracts for the kiosk and the bar.  A decision was made for NP, GS and Matt D to put a paper together and send the proposal to the full board for a vote.

CFU Rebrand – OH had sent a paper to the board regarding rebranding and had suggested five elements namely:-

Name and Branding of CFU, Cost/Structure Membership, Benefits to members, Renewal of timings and process, Social Media and Engagement.

After much discussion on each item, OH would prepare a paper with all suggestions given and bring to next official board meeting.

AOB – CRR mentioned to the board about the expiry of directors’ tenure at the AGM in November.  There would be four vacancies on offer.  Election letter would be going out by snail mail as well as electronically at the end of August/beginning of September.