CFU Board Summary – May 2022

Present: Kieron Shiel (Chair), Jim Green, Mike Vickers, Nick Phillipson, Matt Dickenson, Adam Langan, Jeff Banks and Kate Mylchreest. In attendance – Christine Robson (Secretary).

Apologies: Paul Bodman, Alex Owen, and Charlotte Walker

Minutes of Meeting held on 2nd April 2022 – Minutes were accepted as a true and accurate record.
Action Log Review – KS went through all the actions that were still pending and received updates from all the directors.

Football Update – JG had a conversation with Steve. Steve decided to see his contract through, even though he knew that all club members were aware that he would not be continuing as the Manager.
Job had not been advertised but we had received a great number of enquiries. Club was hoping to appoint someone by 9th May 2022. Interviews would be the middle of the week.

Talks with players are ongoing.

Congress Booking – The National League AGM was taking place at Celtic Manor on Friday 10th June to Sunday 12th June 2022. The AGM would be held on Friday. Mike Vickers offered to attend.
Staff Objectives – Adam Langan is in the process of writing up guidelines for all staff. Once the new General Manager (Georgina Slawinski) has started on 1st June 2022, would sit down with her and go through the processes.

Website and Social – A meeting was being held regarding the current website and social. Albert to organise a meeting with fans. Trying to establish whether we can include membership numbers on to the system.

Boost the Budget and Seals Lottery – Mail outs had gone out for Seals Lottery and had received over one hundred new signings. Hoping to get Boost the Budget out by the end of May, beginning of June.
Precision Façade – Precision Façade had come to the York game and had agreed to sponsor the back of the shirt for the “Home” and “Away” kit, plus a stand.

Risk Assessments – Nick Phillipson stated that the Legends Lunge had been done and was waiting for one for the Blues Bar.

The next official Board meeting would be Thursday 9th June 2022 at the Chester Deva Stadium at 7.30pm.