Match-day Experience Working Group: Volunteers Needed!

Many thanks to everybody who responded to the recent Big City Census, the results of which were reported to the Board on Monday 11th August and were considered further by the Operations Board Meeting the next day.

David Evans, who does sterling work in running the Census for us, will present the results in full at the upcoming CFU AGM on Thursday 11th September.

One of the outcomes that we would like to address as soon as we can is the quality of the Match-day Experience and how this can be improved going forward. To do this we would like the help of you our fans in coming up with ideas and proposals as to how attendance at home games can be made more interesting and enjoyable.

So, we are looking to establish a small working group of fans, possibly no more than 6 in number and who attend in different parts of the Ground, to serve on a task and finish group to help us in this area.

If you are interested and would like to serve on the group then please come forward and leave your name and contact number via the Club Office on 01244 371376 or e-mail:

Jim will help in getting the Group set-up and provide facilities to meet at the Ground. Your commitment is likely to be for a couple of hours in an evening, over half a dozen meetings or so.

If you have ideas as to how the match-day experience can be improved but are unable to commit to the Group, then there will be opportunity for you to feed these in once the Group is up and running.