Summary of CFU board minutes April 2016

Summary of CFU board minutes April 2016


1. The following were matters arising from previous meetings:

a. FLi contract – future website developments still under discussion

b. Simon Olorenshaw currently collating the responses to the SWOC exercise

c. Risk management – audit documents that had been produced by the governance group being reviewed.

d. Fundraising – buy a brick proposal implementation to be considered further at the next meeting

e. Significant progress had been made on the Health and Safety report produced in 2015 and the annual check is now over due.

2. Junior blues – noted that the Community Trust were undertaking a lot of work with the Junior Blues, membership now stands at about 200 and it was agreed that certain age groups need to be targeted. Alan Povey is working on arrangements for a relaunch.

3. Season tickets – agreed that there should be no price increase for season tickets. Details of sales arrangements to be published shortly.

4. Finance update – Laurence Kirby provided an update on the financial position which showed a predicted loss of £40k which was an increase over the previous prediction. Noted that a retail strategy and supporting marketing strategy would be developed for the shop.

5. Commercial – noted that Jonny Hughes was working on the development of a commercial website.

6. Youth section – noted that the under 18’s are in two cup finals and still top of their league. Their final league game will be at the Lookers Vauxhall Stadium on Thursday 11th May, also that one of the cup finals will be played there on Sunday 15th May.

7. CFU – arrangements for the meeting on 21st April were discussed, the board agreed not to proceed with the introduction of a fans forum, this decision was based on the problems experienced at FC United and the fact that members have a variety of opportunities to raise questions at CFU meetings in person or can write in if not able to attend.