Category: Seals Lottery

Seals Lottery is open to all and you can have as many numbers / entries as you like! Entry costs just £5 per month.
Each month, 50% of the monthly subscriptions are paid out as prize money to three monthly winners.
The first prize wins 40% of the prize fund,with second prize winning 30% and third prize taking 20% of the prize fund.
The remaining 10% is rolled over into a special Blues Bonus Draw, held every six months, for members who have participated in the previous six months draws.
To get involved, simply download the Seals Lottery Application Form today.

Seals Lottery September Draw

The latest Seals Lottery draw has taken place with the random number selector ‘button’ being pressed by Haidee McHugh of Accounts, witnessed by Club CEO Mark McGuire, General Manager Tony Allan and Director Brian Burns.


Seals Lottery August Draw

The latest Seals Lottery draw has taken place with the random number selector ‘button’ being pressed by Community Trust CEO Jim Green, witnessed by Club CEO Mark McGuire, General Manager Tony Allan and Director Brian Burns.

Winners were…


Seals Lottery June Draw

The latest Seals Lottery draw has taken place with the random number selector ‘button’ being pressed by new club Chief Executive Officer Mark McGuire, witnessed by Youth Academy Head coach Calum McIntyre and Directors Jonny Hughes and Brian Burns. (more…)

Seals Lottery June Draw

The latest Seals Lottery draw has taken place with the random number selector ‘button’ being pressed by new club Chief Executive Officer Mark McGuire, witnessed by Youth Academy Head coach Calum McIntyre and Directors Jonny Hughes and Brian Burns. (more…)

Seals Lottery May Draw

The latest Seals Lottery draw has taken place with the random number selector ‘button’ being pressed by Club General Manager Tony Allan, witnessed by CFU Secretary Marion Needham, Haidiee McHugh of Accounts and Director Brian Burns. (more…)

Seals Lottery April & Bonus Draws

The latest Seals Lottery draw has taken place with the random number selector ‘button’ being pressed by Club Press & Media Assistant, Albert Davies, witnessed by Haidee McHugh and Barbara Rogers of Accounts and Director Brian Burns. (more…)

March Seals Lottery Draw

The latest Seals Lottery draw has taken place with the random number selector ‘button’ being pressed by Club Groundsman Mike Barrow, witnessed by Bars Manager Andy Cummins, Haidee McHugh of Accounts and Director Brian Burns. (more…)

Seals Lottery Draw – January 2016

The latest Seals Lottery draw has taken place with the random number selector ‘button’ being pressed by office volunteer Jim Betts, witnessed by Commercial Manager Tracey Smith, General Manager Tony Allan and Director Brian Burns.



Seals Lottery December Draw

The latest  Seals Lottery draw has taken place with the random number selector ‘button’ being pressed by first team kit man Jimmy Soul,  witnessed by club office volunteer Dave Andrews  and Directors Jonny Hughes and  Brian Burns.
