Category: Newsflash

Changes to CFU Membership

City Fans United members have overwhelmingly backed an increase to the annual membership fee, with supporters now able to become an owner of Chester FC for only £2 per month or £24 per year.

More than 90% of the 500 members who responded to the recent survey indicated their support for raising the membership fee for the first time since 2013, giving the board of directors a strong mandate to proceed.

Joining City Fans United is now even easier with rolling memberships available through Fanbase and, having listened to feedback from members, we are offering three simple contribution options, making it simpler for owners who wish to pay more than the minimum.

CFU Base: £2 per month or £24 annually
CFU Seal: £3 per month or £36 annually
CFU Seal Plus: £1 per week or £52 annually

All members will have one share and one vote, and access to the same benefits, including priority ticket access, however, any contributions you make on top of the £24 membership fee will help make your club stronger.

With the move to Fanbase, members will have a digital membership card stored in their Fanbase wallet, but physical membership cards will also be available for members who prefer these.

Should you require a physical membership card, please forward your confirmation email to

There are currently just over 1,500 members of City Fans United, and our target is to grow this to 2,000. You do not have to be a fan of Chester FC; we encourage anyone who believes in our ethos and the history of our club, to become an owner.

By putting supporters and community at the heart of our club, we’re showing that fans can have a powerful say in the way football should be run. That’s why we need you to join the CFU today, as the more owners we have, the louder our collective voice will be.

Why you should join City Fans United

  • Be a co-owner of your club
  • Supporting your club financially
  • Voting rights for the AGM, kit choices and annual awards
  • Chance to stand for election to the board of Chester FC
  • Priority ticket access for selected fixtures
  • Discounts and offers including the Lifestyle Card
  • Monthly CFU e-newsletter

Existing members can renew now by registering on Fanbase and selecting their chosen membership, which will be matched to your previous membership records.

New members can sign up through Fanbase and your membership will start immediately.

I have already renewed for 2024/25. Do I need to do anything?
No, we will be in touch with you soon to transfer your membership across to Fanbase.

I currently pay my CFU membership via monthly Direct Debit or recurring payment via PayPal or GoCardless. What do I need to do?
Please do nothing for the moment. We will be in touch with you soon with further details about how you can transfer across to Fanbase. Please don’t cancel your Direct Debit or recurring payment yourself, as this may impact other payments that you make to Chester FC.

I make an additional donation to CFU on top of my membership. What do I need to do?
Please sign up for new membership options through Fanbase and we will then match this to your existing membership.

If you wish to make an additional one-off donation, this can still be done, but as this option is not yet available through Fanbase, please email and we can explain how to do this.

I am a CFU Life Member. What should I do?
Nothing! We will be in touch with you soon to transfer your life membership across to Fanbase.

How many memberships can I buy?
CFU has a democratic system of one share, one vote. Each individual can have only one membership under their name. However, you can buy a membership for a family member or friend.

How old do I have to be?
CFU membership is open to anyone aged 16 or older. Supporters aged under 16 can join the Junior Blues, but will not have membership rights, including voting.

Do I have any liability issues as an owner?
No. We are registered as a Community Benefit Society (CBS) with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). This means the club is a legal entity in its own right, independent of the owners, and the liability of owners is limited to a nominal £1 shareholding, taken from your membership fee when you join.

CFU Board Statement

The Board of City Fans United can confirm we received notification from Stuart Murphy, on behalf of Exacta Plc, on Sunday 10th May advising his intention to end his association with the Club forthwith.

Therefore the Board wishes to advise members we consider Stuart’s approach to takeover the ownership of Chester FC to be withdrawn.

We can confirm that to date we have not received settlement of the outstanding financial commitments for the 2019/20 season, however we remain in discussion with Stuart regarding this matter.

Chester FC would like to place on record its appreciation to Stuart for his financial support and donations received since his association with the Club commenced in 2018 and we wish him well for the future.

The Board will provide further updates to members over the coming days and weeks, and is committed to fully engaging with the membership in developing a revised strategy to ensure we can overcome the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, continue to function sustainably and remain competitive when football returns as a 100% supporter-owned football club.

CFU Members April Meeting Cancelled

Please note the forthcoming CFU members meeting initially set for Thursday 9th April, has been cancelled due to the ongoing challenges with the Coronavirus pandemic.


A new date will be set in due course, and we will be updating members of the ongoing situation, and how CFU members can help the club in what will be a financially challenging time.


Please continue to stay up to date with the latest public health advice, available here:

Newsflash 4

Yesterday all servers in the U.S. went out on strike in a bid to get more RAM and better CPUs. A spokes person said that the need for better RAM was due to some fool increasing the front-side bus speed. In future, buses will be told to slow down in residential motherboards.

Newsflash 5

Joomla! 1.5 – ‘Experience the Freedom’!. It has never been easier to create your own dynamic Web site. Manage all your content from the best CMS admin interface and in virtually any language you speak.

Newsflash 1

Joomla! makes it easy to launch a Web site of any kind. Whether you want a brochure site or you are building a large online community, Joomla! allows you to deploy a new site in minutes and add extra functionality as you need it. The hundreds of available Extensions will help to expand your site and allow you to deliver new services that extend your reach into the Internet.

Newsflash 2

The one thing about a Web site, it always changes! Joomla! makes it easy to add Articles, content, images, videos, and more. Site administrators can edit and manage content ‘in-context’ by clicking the ‘Edit’ link. Webmasters can also edit content through a graphical Control Panel that gives you complete control over your site.