Tag: February meeting

CFU Meeting – Zoom Instructions

Tomorrow night it’s your chance to tune into the City Fans United informal meeting, which will be held via Zoom at 7.30pm.


There will be brief updates from the board including the very latest from Chester FC with regards to the current situation in the National League North. We will also have Chester FC manager Anthony Johnson on the call as well, who will be there for a Q&A and to bring you an update on how the squad and management team are dealing with the current climate.


If you have a question for the board or manager, then please email this to jeff.banks@chesterfc.com by 3pm Thursday 11th February.


We’re sure there will be plenty of questions on the same subject, and whilst we’ll be monitoring the CHAT function on the call, we would like to be able to bring you the answers to the questions received by 3pm.


This will also help reduce the amount of duplicate questions asked on the night.


Thursday night’s meeting is open to non-members too, so please join from 7pm where you will be placed into a meeting room before being admitted into the meeting close to 7.30pm.


Usual etiquette on the Zoom meeting applies, and all microphones will be muted during the meeting unless invited to un-mute.


Here’s the link for the meeting: https://zoom.us/j/92243332658?pwd=SW1qRlNtTFZxNGlmcnV5Zi95RHBwUT09


We look forward to seeing you tomorrow night!