Tag: Swansway Chester Stadium

City Fans United Formal Members Meeting Reminder

Thursday night sees the City Fans United formal members meeting take place in the Blues Bar, at the Swansway Chester Stadium (7.30pm start).


During the meeting we’ll hear an update from the board of directors of City Fans United, including a Finance Update and an overview of the results from the Big City Census, as well as updates from the various Working Groups.


There will also be details of the AGM later this year, and a Q&A session on the night too.


Prior to the meeting the Fundraising Working Group will be selling raffle tickets for just £1 where prizes include 2 pairs of tickets for Chester Zoo which have been generously donated to the raffle for the evening.


There will also be further prizes on offer for the raffle, so please grab yourself some raffle tickets tomorrow night as you’ll stand a great chance of winning!


The meeting will also be streamed live to those members who have requested access up to last night (as per the deadline previously mentioned), and further instructions will be sent out tomorrow following on from the invite already sent out by Jeff Banks on Wednesday 22nd May. The online stream is due to start at 7.15pm where those joining will be held in the ‘waiting room’ until the meeting gets underway at 7.30pm.


Please download the app Zoom or click the link from the email sent out those who have requested it, to follow the meeting.


You can also renew your membership at the meeting tomorrow night, and Nick Phillipson will also be on hand to set up and discuss Direct Debit plans for those interested in paying monthly or annually.


We look forward to seeing you there tomorrow night!


Follow @cityfansunited & @CFCFEWG on Twitter


City Fans United Members (Formal) Meeting – Thursday 23rd May

The next City Fans United members meeting is set to take place on Thursday 23rd May, in the Blues Bar at the Swansway Chester Stadium.


The meeting will start at 7.30pm with the bar open from 7pm on the evening and as it’s a members meeting only, we will be taking new membership sign ups on the night and you can also renew your membership on the night too.


Although to help us with renewals, please visit the following link where you can actually renew or sign up online prior to the meeting. You can also set up a monthly Direct Debit to help make our renewals process even more straight forward in the future.


Click me for more renewal details

Sign up here


At the meeting, we’ll be reviewing the results from the Big City Census recently sent out to members.


We’ll also be latest updates from the board and as usual you’ll be able to take part in a Q&A session during the meeting.


For those members unable to attend on the night, but who would like to view on a live stream being tested on this night for formal meetings, please email jeff.banks@chesterfc.com – we will need all those wishing to watch the live stream to send their emails by Tuesday 21st May at the latest to then receive an invitation for the streaming service.


We look forward to seeing you on the night!

Community Sports Facility & Informal CFU Meeting – Wednesday 20th March

City Fans United and Chester FC Community Trust are holding an open meeting on Wednesday 20th March to provide an update on proposals for a community sports facility in Chester.


The meeting will take place in the Blues Bar at the Swansway Chester Stadium starting at 7.30pm with supporters and the wider public encouraged to attend.


The development of a community sports facility has been an aspiration of the supporter-owned club for a number of years with its charitable Community Trust leading the project.


Following positive discussions with key stakeholders over recent months, the boards of both the CFU and the Community Trust are pleased to be in a position to announce full details of the scheme.


The proposals have been carefully developed to ensure it provides the best possible facility for the communities of Chester and Cheshire West. A public consultation will begin in the coming weeks, giving people the opportunity to comment on the plans and inform the final design.


Jim Green, chief executive of the Community Trust, said: “It has been a long time coming but we are genuinely excited about these plans and look forward to sharing them with supporters and the wider community.

“Grassroots sport desperately needs more investment and better facilities, and this project will deliver on both counts. It will be a facility the community can be proud of.”


CFU director Jeff Banks said: “When we reformed the club back in 2010, one of the key aims for the future was to have a sports facility that would be of benefit to the whole community. A great deal of hard work and planning has gone into getting to this point, and next Wednesday’s meeting will provide a great chance for everyone to see how they can help in bringing this to fruition.”


Please note, the planned informal CFU meeting, set for Thursday 21st March, has now been brought forward to the Wednesday night in order for us to have the open meeting relating to the community sports facility.


If you would like to know more about the project or have any questions, please contact Community Trust chief executive Jim Green by emailing  jim.green@chesterfc.com or ringing 01244 371376.

CFU Meeting Postponed

Please note that owing to the water damage incurred at the Swansway Chester Stadium on Sunday, a decision has been made to postpone Thursday’s night’s City Fans United members meeting.


Safety is of course paramount in this situation, and at present several areas of the ground are deemed as ‘Out of Bounds’ due to the water ingress and the board are currently in the process of trying to resolve the issues currently being faced and ensuring there is no risk to anyone’s safety within the ground.


We will announce a revised date once we are in a position to do so, but we’d also like to remind those interested in standing for election that they will need to submit their application by Friday 17th August. Please refer to our recent mailing for further details on this. or by reading our previous announcement regarding the upcoming AGM.


City Fans United Members Meeting (Formal) – Thursday 16th August

The date for the next CFU Members meeting has been set for Thursday 16th August 2018, commencing at 7.30pm in the Blues Bar at the Swansway Chester Stadium.


This meeting will be a formal one, and an agenda will published in due course, but please make a note in your diaries for the time being.


The date for the CFU AGM has also been set, this taking place on Thursday 27th September, in the Blues Bar at the Swansway Chester Stadium, too.


Further details on both meetings to follow shortly…

CFU Meeting (Informal) – Thursday 19th July

We would like to let our members know that the next CFU meeting will take place on Thursday 19th July, commencing at 7.30pm in the Blues Bar at the Swansway Chester Stadium.


Join CFU today and help us get to 2018 members in the year 2018!


This month’s meeting is an informal one but we are hoping to have Chester management duo Bern & Jono in attendance.


There will also be the chance to ‘Meet the Board’ for anyone considering standing for election at the forthcoming AGM, to gain an understanding of what the role entails.


Membership cards will also be available to collect on the night too, and you can also join CFU on the night too.


Further details will be released shortly for the online stream of the informal meeting.


We look forward to seeing you there!


FREE Chester FC Season Ticket up for grabs!

Two of Chester FC’s Legends Lounge members and long time Blues fans have offered one lucky season ticket holder that buys or renews their season ticket before the Early Bird deadline expires, the chance to win the cost of their season ticket back!

The club are aiming to sell 1000 season tickets before the end of June, and supporters Alan Case and Ian Swettenham have decided to offer an incentive to help encourage more fans to get their season ticket with nearly 400 having been purchased already since sales began in May.

Alan, a well known and popular figure amongst supporters who has followed the Blues for 63 years said, “Ian and myself will be delighted to personally present the lucky winner with free football for the coming season”.

Ian, a fan since 1969, who sponsors the Swettenham Chemists Stand at the Swansway Chester Stadium and also provides fantastic financial support to the Chester FC Youth Academy was also keen to help cover the cost of one lucky fans season ticket. Ian said “There was a great suggestion on DevaChat to support the Early Bird offer and Alan & I are very happy to make it happen. I hope every fan can support the club with a Season Ticket purchase, it’s vital to the future of the club and appreciated by all involved.

Jeff Banks, Director of Fan Engagement said, “On behalf of the Fan Engagement Working Group (FEWG) and of course Chester FC, I’d like to thank both Alan and Ian for their fantastic gesture. It certainly demonstrates great unity amongst the fans when two come forward to offer to cover the cost of someone else’s season ticket, and anyone who has purchased one so far, or yet to get their ticket will no doubt be looking forward to hearing if their name has been pulled out of the hat!”

The Draw sponsored by Childrens Bed Centres & Swettenham Chemists will take place shortly after the Early Bird on sales ends, so fans are urged to get their season tickets before this deadline to be in with a chance of winning.