Category: Seals Lottery

Seals Lottery is open to all and you can have as many numbers / entries as you like! Entry costs just £5 per month.
Each month, 50% of the monthly subscriptions are paid out as prize money to three monthly winners.
The first prize wins 40% of the prize fund,with second prize winning 30% and third prize taking 20% of the prize fund.
The remaining 10% is rolled over into a special Blues Bonus Draw, held every six months, for members who have participated in the previous six months draws.
To get involved, simply download the Seals Lottery Application Form today.

Happy New Year for Seals Lottery Winners!

The last Seals Lottery Draw of the year was made prior to the Away Travel coaches leaving for Northwich Victoria on Boxing Day, and Honorary Life President Barrie Hipkiss pulled out the final winners of 2011, and each have won a share of over £1000, whilst £1000 goes towards Chester FC’s future development.


The winners are:


Seals Lottery – November Draw

The Seals Lottery November Draw was carried out at half time during Chester FC’s match with Ashton at the Exacta Stadium last night, and Chris Simm & Adam Judge were on hand to pick out the winners, who this month, are:


1st Prize – Graham Billington (member 153) – wins £503


2nd Prize – Keith Musson (member 173) – wins £377


3rd Prize – Chris Courtenay Williams (member 560) – wins £251


Congratulations to all this month’s winners!


Don’t forget you can join the Seals Lottery if you are a City Fans United member, and for each contribution you are making 50% goes to your football club’s development!


Seals Lottery Winners for October

The Seals Lottery Draw for October was drawn on Saturday at the Exacta Stadium.


The winning numbers were drawn out of the hat by our special guests, characters from the Dick Whiitington pantomime that will be featuring in Chester next month.



April Seals Lottery winners announced

The latest CFU Seals Lottery was drawn last week during the half time interval of Chester’s last game at the Exacta Stadium against Bamber Bridge.


Over £1000 was given away on Saturday after the latest winners were pulled out by members of the Famous Five, and the following are this month’s lucky Easter bunnies:


March Seals Lottery winners announced

The latest Seals Lottery Draw was made yesterday on the pitch at Half Time during the Harrogate Railway Athletic game and the winners were picked out by former Chester legends Iain Jenkins & John Thomas, and the following names are the latest Lottery winners, which included the big Bonus Draw:
