Category: News
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CFU Meeting – Thursday 15 November
The next City Fans United meeting will take place in the Blues Bar, at the Swansway Chester Stadium, on Thursday 15th November.
The meeting that will get underway at 7.30pm, is an informal meeting and so is open to non-members as well as current members.
It’s an ideal opportunity to come and hear from the CFU board on latest developments, as well as hopefully hearing from joint managers Bern & Jonno.
You can also sign up to CFU membership on the night too, with the membership package an unbeatable £12 per year at present.
The intention is also to stream the meeting on our CFU You Tube channel, on the evening itself.
Chester FC Christmas Raffle 2018
Tickets for this year’s Christmas Raffle are available from the club’s ticket office during office hours and from the Community Trust’s Gazebo prior to home games on Saturdays. For those who cannot get to the stadium, requests for tickets to be posted out can be sent to
The Raffle is a key source of income for Chester FC – therefore we need CFU Members not only to buy tickets but also sell them to their family, friends and work colleagues.
The Fundraising Working Group will be taking tickets around pubs in the local area and also selling them in the Chester Forum on a couple of days – for which we thank the council for giving us permission. However we need as many people out there distributing tickets as possible. This is a chance for everyone who loves the club to work together and really make a difference. Fan ownership – fan action – at its best.
Although our managers are working wonders on the pitch, it has been a tough season for the club – especially with the flood at the stadium (and even international call-ups for our opponents!) depriving us of some lucrative Saturday fixtures.
Aside from helping the club… who wouldn’t want to miss the chance of winning £1,000 for just a pound? We have many other great prizes – checkout – and we will be adding to the list in the weeks ahead.
Seals Lottery Bonus Draw September 2018
Seals Lottery Draw September 2018
CFU Life Membership – Payments Instalments News
The CFU Fan Engagement Working Group (FEWG) can confirm that following feedback from the members, that an additional instalment plan has been put into place for those members wishing to take up Life Membership of CFU.
During the last couple of weeks, members were advised of the new package that enables Life Membership to be secured by way of either a one off £1000 payment, or by a maximum of 4 payments of £250.
The FEWG are now delighted to announce that members can now spread their Life Membership payments over a 10 month period, with a contribution via Direct Debit of £100 per month.
We hope this enables more members to take up the Life Membership option – all those wishing to take advantage of this extra option are invited to email and we will then send details of how to activate a Direct Debit.
Please note, the benefits of Life membership (with the exception of the new pin badge) will be applicable to new members once at least a 50% contribution has been made. Life membership will be revoked if the full £1000 is not received within the 10 month period.
Of course, the other options for securing Life Membership remain – so if you would like to make a one off payment or pay via the 4 x £250 payments then please either email or contact Chester FC on 01244 371376 during normal office hours.
The FEWG will shortly be sending Life membership packs out to those who have purchased the new Life Membership package – and we thank them for doing so.
CFU AGM Review
The City Fans United Annual General Meeting took place last Thursday at the Swansway Chester Stadium, inside a packed Blues Bar.
On the night, Calvin Hughes and Jeff Banks, both of whom stood for election to the board saw their applications ratified by the members who had voted either by proxy or on the night itself. Both will now commence a minimum three year term on the board of directors of CFU.
Laurence Kirby, who stood down as a director of the board on the night, presented his financial report to the audience both in the room and watching online.
Laurence confirmed that CFU had made a £45k loss in the financial year June 2017-May 2018 but that prospects of a brighter future were indeed in place following some fantastic fundraising by volunteers since January 2018. Laurence also indicated that he would be prepared to maintain his financial reporting to the board in the interim whilst a permanent replacement is sought in due course, which the board have wholeheartedly thanked Laurence for.
The Chair of CFU, David Harrington-Wright, also gave a detailed report on the year itself too, and fielded questions from the audience relating to the club’s current financial position, and also with regards to the water damage to the Stadium too, even though this was experienced after the previous financial year had ended.
Minutes of the meeting will be published shortly on the CFU website.
Thanks to everyone that attended on the night, and we look forward to keeping the membership updated with the progress made as we go through the next financial period, June 2018-May 2019.
City Fans United AGM – This Thursday
We would like to remind CFU members that it is the Annual General Meeting this Thursday (27th September) which takes place in the Blues Bar at Chester FC’s Swansway Chester Stadium.
The meeting will get underway at 7.30pm.
Financial Report year ending May 2018
Five directors posts were advertised as available, however only 3 applications were received. As the number of candidates does not equal or exceed the available places, there will be no election but an affirmative ballot at the AGM. Each candidate will be put before the meeting for the approval of members. To be elected each candidate must receive the support of more than half those present in person at the AGM and those who are not able to attend and have expressed their preference by returning the proxy form.
Since the AGM packs were sent out one candidate withdrew their application to stand, and so the two remaining candidates will need their applications ratifying at this Thursday’s meeting.
Previously we have streamed the CFU meetings live, however, due to the provider now charging for streaming. We are currently looking at other streaming options at present which would hopefully allow us to show the meeting live on Thursday night.
We look forward to seeing you there on Thursday night.
CFU launch new Life Membership package!
City Fans United are delighted to announce the official launch of a new Life Membership package available to new and existing members of City Fans United.
Members were asked in the Big City Census earlier this year on their thoughts on the life membership and the fee to join, and following feedback we are now in a position to release full details of the scheme which will allow you to be an owner of Chester FC for the rest of your life.
Life membership will carry a number of benefits (with some more still to be added as we progress through the season) including a Legends Lounge Experience for two people, a first team squad training session exclusively opened up to Life Membership holders with a chance to meet the managers, staff and players of Chester FC, a special open evening with a discount on items in the Club Shop available to members. A new pin badge has also been commissioned for Life Membership.
The fee for Life membership will be £1000, which will help the club build for the future, is payable by debit/credit card, cash, cheque, or by a maximum of four instalments on Direct Debit.
We would therefore like to invite those interested in taking up the Life membership to email with their full contact details in order for us to contact you regarding signing up. You can also print off the Life Membership form, complete, and return it to Chester FC’s Swansway Chester Stadium together with payment.
Existing Life Members from the original Chester City Supporters Trust & Chester City ISA will continue as Life members of City Fans United, and can access the benefits of the new Life Membership package by upgrading from their current status, and are invited to sign up to the new CFU Life Membership package should they wish to do so.
We would like to thank those who have already registered an interest in becoming life members and naturally encourage more to join this new scheme.
Infrastructure Working Group
The CFU Board are setting up an Infrastructure Working Group.
The aim of the Working Group is to develop ideas and plans that will create a stadium infrastructure to maximise revenue 365 days a year.
The group will also look to create a stadium that is fully accessible to disabled supporters.
Once the plans have been agreed with the CFU Board and key investor, Stuart Murphy, the Working Group will endeavour to obtain the required planning permissions and oversee the project to completion.
Many skills are required. Creativeness to come up with ideas to maximum revenue from the footprint of the stadium and car park. We are also looking for people with building planning and engineering knowledge and experience.
While some of this could be bought in, the board wishes to maximse the return on Stuart’s investment therefore if volunteer’s skills are available then the most the bang from his buck can be obtained.
If you are interested in getting involved, please email