City Fans United will be holding their next informal members meeting tonight (Thursday 2nd March), commencing at 7.30pm in the Blues Bar at Chester FC’s Deva Stadium.
Doors will be open for drinks at 7pm, and Directors will be present at the meeting to answer any questions that members have.
As this is an informal meeting, it will also be streamed online on the Chester FC You Tube (@ChesterFCTV) channel from 7.30pm.
Chester FC manager, Calum McIntyre will also be with us on the evening, so it’d be a great chance to come down and hear his update.
We look forward to seeing you at the Deva Stadium tonight.
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of City Fans United and Chester Football Club takes place on Thursday, 3 November at the Deva Stadium.
The meeting, which begins at 7.30pm with doors open from 7pm, will take place in the Blues Bar.
CFU members should now have received an AGM pack in the post or via email. The meeting papers can also be viewed here.
The AGM is key time for CFU members and we are hoping for a good attendance at this meeting.
The agenda contains a number of important items, including elections to the CFU Board as the number of candidates exceeds the available places.
For members who are not able to attend, the meeting will be live streamed via Microsoft Teams (please check your emails on Wednesday 2nd November as the link will be sent out on that day) and votes can be submitted using the proxy form direct to the Returning Officer (Mr Philip Young). An email will shortly be sent to members with details on how to join the meeting online.
If you have not received an AGM pack or have any questions for the AGM, please contact CFU Secretary Christine Robson at
The Board of City Fans United are pleased to welcome Kate Mylchreest as a new Director.
Kate, who is the Head of Development at Storyhouse, has been co-opted on to the Board and will provide focus on the commercial portfolio.
Kate has worked in fundraising for the not-for-profit sector for over 20 years after gaining a degree in Sociology and Anthropology from Newcastle University. She is an avowed champion of supporting community programmes, particularly supporting young people from disadvantaged backgrounds.
She has considerable experience in the NHS and held senior positions at both the Countess of Chester and The Royal Liverpool University Hospital, before moving to Storyhouse.
City Fans United members today have the privilege of voting on the new 2022 Chester FC home shirt that will see the players wearing proudly at the Deva Stadium during the 2022/23 season that gets underway in August.
Members are being emailed through the course of the day today with instructions on how to vote, so please check your emails throughout the day if you are a current member.
If you would like to take part in the vote and haven’t joined City Fans United as yet then what are you waiting for? Get involved by simply joining us here: Join City Fans United – City Fans United – annual membership is just £12 but you can also set up a monthly direct debit too to ensure your membership auto-renews annually.
As well as being able to vote on the home kit, there are also a large number of member discounts available including offers on holidays, food and drink and other great products.
The winning kit design will be revealed on Saturday 23rd April in The Cestrian matchday programme, so make sure you pick up a copy at the game!
It’s the 1st March and from today City Fans United members not currently on Direct Debit can renew their memberships which will then run through to the 31st May 2023.
It’s been a challenging time as a Chester fan – what’s new there? So let’s help provide the strongest possible start to next season for the club and by renewing now you will be helping the club to do just that.
Coming up soon City Fans United members will be tasked with helping to choose the new 2022/24 home kit, with details to follow shortly on that, so even more reason to renew your membership!
There are also a large number of member discounts available including offers on holidays, food and drink and other great products.
If you pay your membership on Direct Debit or have a recurring payment set up on Paypal then you don’t need to do anything as your payment will continue into the next membership year.
If you have a standing order in place with your bank, we would ask you to cancel this and set up a Direct Debit.
City Fans United will be holding their next members meeting on Thursday 3rd March, commencing at 7.30pm in the Blues Bar at Chester FC’s Deva Stadium.
Doors will be open for drinks at 7pm, and Directors will be present at the meeting to answer any questions that members have.
This will be a Members Only formal meeting. The meeting will also be streamed online for members, with an invite going out on email to members week commencing 28th February.
We are also hoping to have members of the Chester FC management team with us on the evening, so it’d be a great chance to come down and meet them.
We look forward to seeing you at the Deva Stadium on the night.
City Fans United will be holding their next members meeting on Thursday 7th October, commencing at 7.30pm in the Blues Bar at Chester FC’s Deva Stadium.
Doors will be open for drinks at 7pm, and Directors will be present at the meeting to answer any questions that members have.
This will be a Members Only formal meeting. The meeting will also be streamed online for members, with an invite going out on email to members week commencing Monday 4th October.
We look forward to seeing you at the Deva Stadium on the night.
Next Thursday evening (29th July), City Fans United members will be able to collect their membership cards from the Deva Stadium in a special event taking place in the Blues Bar.
Chester FC fans will also be able to collect their season tickets too on the night.
It’s the first time we’ve been able to stage an event in the Blues Bar since before the Covid-19 pandemic started, and we’re delighted to announce that there will also be a chance to meet some of the Chester FC squad as well as joint managers Bernard Morley and Anthony Johnson, who will all join us after they have finished training.
The evening kicks off at 7.30pm and fans are welcome inside the Blues Bar from 7pm.
The bar will open for drinks purchases, and we request that fans attending remain respectful of others inside the venue as far as Covid protection measures are concerned.
City Fans United are looking to strengthen our social media platforms ahead of the new season and are recruiting a Social Media Manager to help oversee the ongoing development of the existing accounts as well as forming new streams across social media platforms.
The role will also focus on increasing membership numbers as well as cross promoting Chester FC social media accounts too.
This will be a voluntary role, and if you believe you are the right person for this position is you, then please email with your contact details and current social media account names.
Please note you will need to be aged over 18 to apply for this role, and have experience of managing social media accounts, as well as being a Chester fan that attends our matches.
Applications to be received by Saturday 10th July.
Chester FC have updated the fans with news of several players re-signing for the Blues ahead of next season’s campaign, and now we’re asking you to become our latest CFU signings.
If you haven’t renewed your CFU membership, or joined us yet, then now is the time to do it – momentum is building and we’re getting ready to produce the CFU membership cards at the beginning of next month, so renew or join us now and you’ll be part of the first batch receiving their new cards for the 21/22 membership period.
As a CFU member you’ll become a co-owner of Chester FC and have a major say in the running of the football club, as well as being able to vote on key items such as the home and away kits the players will wear in the future on the hallowed turf of the Deva Stadium. There is also access to a whole host of benefits including discounts at many places in and around the area.
Remember, CFU membership costs just £12 per year, or you can set up a Direct Debit for any amount you wish, and if you’d like to join the many setting up their automatic payments by Direct Debit then please see the details below.
So, come and join us over here and be part of our journey!